New Mindful Media Video Supports Peace in Sudan

9 January 2010 - A new video clip recently published by Mindful Media producer, Mike McLean brings viewers to the New York City launch of the Sudan 365 Campaign. The Campaign is an international effort to call attention to the fragile peace in war-torn Sudan during the year leading up to the country's next election.

"This election could decide the fate of the 3 million people still living in Darfur, and the fate of the 3 million who have already been forced from their homes during the war, during the genocide," says McLean, "This clip is an invitation and a challenge to take action."

The two-minute clip is currently posted on the
Sudan 365 webpage and circulating on the web with other videos from various cities around the world that also celebrated the launch of the campaign.

This video clip features still photos by
Shane Bauer and Doctors Without Borders.