La Lucha por el Saint Jean

(En produccion)

Cuando los estudiantes del Colegio Saint Jean vieron publicado en el diario un edicto que rezaba que su escuela iba a ser rematada, pensaron que era un chiste. No sabían que la Comisión Directiva del colegio se había endeudado por una suma de US$ 320.000 y que usaría el futuro de ellos en forma de pago.

En un pequeño barrio de Buenos Aires, Argentina, Saint Jean es uno de los pocos colegios laicos que ofrecen los cinco niveles de enseñanza: jardín de infantes, primario, secundario, nivel especial y un terciario. A pesar de sus 40 años de servicio a la comunidad, la escuela se podría vender y cerrar para siempre, y así se dejarían atrás a sus 1.200 estudiantes.

Este documental muestra cómo los estudiantes defienden su colegio, movilizan a una comunidad y exigen que sus voces sean escuchadas. Ellos comen, duermen y organizan su campaña en la escuela, pero se aseguran que las clases continúen. En un país que ha sido despojado de muchas cosas, su lucha para salvar el Saint Jean constituye un movimiento para preservar la educación como derecho humano.

Mira nuestra seria de cortos en youtube:

Cortos de La lucha por el Saint Jean


When the students of Colegio Saint Jean saw a newspaper ad saying their school would be closed and auctioned off, they thought it was a joke. Little did they know that the school’s board of directors had run up over $320,000US in debt and would use the student’s future as payment.

In a small neighborhood of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Saint Jean is one of the only non-catholic schools that offers Kindergarten through high school class, a school for mentally and physically challenged students, and an undergraduate night school. Despite its 40 years of service to the community, it might be sold and closed forever, leaving its 1,200 students behind.

Watch as the students defend their school, mobilize a community and demand that their voices be heard. They eat, sleep and organize their campaign in the school, but ensure that classes continue. In a country that has been robbed of everything, their fight to save Saint Jean is a movement to preserve education as a human right.

also, for the competition website there is a section to put a one or two line description. this is what i had wrote, i had to use contractions to make all the text fit in the space they provided:

Desks barricade the streets, students sleep in the classrooms, but classes continue; For these high school students in Buenos Aires, Argentina this isn't just a struggle to save their school from being closed forever, it's a youth uprising.

Watch our series of shorts:

La lucha por el Saint Jean cortos